Patient feedback Oct ’24

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Here are the results from the latest Friends and Family Test submissions (October ’24).

If you would like to comment on what we do well or on what you think might be improved please go to the Friends and Family page here.

To find out more about how Friends and Family works, please look here.

Non-urgent advice: October ’24 Q & A’s

Q: I really like the digital triage. I think the service offered at the moment is efficient and I’m pleased ****** has been referred for specialist help. Due to the nature of *****’s symptoms the doctor asked me a safeguarding question and I felt this showed due diligence.
A: It’s wonderful to hear that you had a positive experience with the digital triage and found it efficient! The fact that the doctor asked a safeguarding question demonstrates a thorough and careful approach to patient care, reflecting a strong commitment to safety and due diligence.

Q: Online triage worked well. Doctor was attentive, listened to my issue, explained diagnosis and forwarded information to help my understanding.
A: It’s reassuring to know the doctor was attentive, took the time to listen, and provided information to ensure you fully understood the diagnosis.

Q: I was able to see my doctor face to face. I wear hearing aids so it’s a far better experience as I need to see the person’s face when having a conversation. I really appreciate this having been actioned.
A: We are glad you found your experience a positive one. We are currently in the process of fitting a hearing loop at Reception.

Q: The reception team are appalling. Rude! The new system to try and book an urgent or routine appointment isn’t fit for purpose and the receptionist are no help and give attitude when asking questions.
A: We are sorry to hear that this was your experience with our Reception team. We will be addressing your concerns raised during our next training session.

Q: The building inside doesn’t look clean, carpets dirty, paint coming off wall.
A: Unfortunately our building is owed by the NHS and maintained by them. We are aware that the waiting room needs a serious update but and continue to raise this with NHS Property Services.

Q: The intercom outside was stuck on and you could hear everything being said, not sure which practice but I went back in to let them know.
A: We have investigated the intercom and this wasn’t our Practice but we have highlighted it to those it applies to.

Q: I think it’s a shame that we have to set an alarm at 6am to triage as by 8am it can be closed for the day.
A: We recognised this was an issue earlier in the month and have now changed the open time to 7:30am.

Q: An additional receptionist would have reduced the delay due to queuing.  But it was no big hassle.
A: We are pleased to say we have an additional Receptionist starting with us soon! This will relieve some of the phone traffic to allow the person on Reception to focus more on the patient in front of them.

Q: Open WiFi so I can work while waiting.
Response: We do have NHS open WIFI which is available to connect to.

Q: Play some music please it’s very quiet.
A: This was previously reviewed but the licence is quite expensive.