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Ordering a Repeat Prescription

Ordering prescriptions online is easy, register today on NHS App, via the link below or you can post your request through the surgeries secure letter box. All repeat prescriptions are now electronic and sent to your nominated pharmacy for your collection or delivery.

You may request repeat prescriptions until your doctor requires a review. Regular repeat prescriptions are reviewed by our clinical pharmacist. In preparation for the review you may be asked to have an investigation such as a blood test, to ensure the medications are safe for you. At the review, we will discuss your medication in the context of your treatment, how you feel about your medicines, your compliance and any concerns you may have. We also help align the medication on the repeat prescription and reconcile them with instructions from other clinics you may be attending.

Our clinical pharmacist can also help with any prescription queries such as ‘I’ve been discharged from hospital with a new medicine but it is not on my repeat prescription’ or ‘I am out of line with my medicines, I need them re-aligning’.  Please do not hesitate to contact our clinical pharmacist or our prescription clerk for assistance.

Non-urgent advice: Email requests are no longer permissable

Our old repeat prescription email address ( has now been retired so our patients can no longer submit repeat prescription requests in this way.

Prescriptions Charges and Exemptions

Most adults in England have to pay prescription charges.

Some items are always free, including contraceptives and medicines prescribed for hospital inpatients.

NHS charges

The current prescription charge is £9.35 per item.

A prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) could save you money on NHS prescription costs:

a 3-month PPC costs £30.25

a 12-month PPC is £108.10

Find out how to save money with a PPC

Who can get free prescriptions

Repeat Prescriptions Requests

Prescription Timescale

All prescriptions will be sent to your nominated pharmacy within 48 hours of their request.

Prescription Quantities

In most instances prescription repeats will be issued for 28 days. There is evidence this avoids wastage. However the clinician may at his discretion authorise repeats for up to 56 days in certain circumstances.

In the case of contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy, scripts will be issued for 6 months.

Patients 75+ and over will only be given repeat prescriptions in 1 month quantities.

Authorised repeat quantities

Repeat prescriptions will be authorised at the doctor’s discretion for up to twelve months. Our Clinical Pharmacist will complete a medication review when the prescription issue date is due. Depending on the medication some patients may require investigations prior to their review and some may only require a telephone call. Out practice will advise you in advance of this.

It is important that we continue to monitor and carry out medication reviews for our patients safety. We may not be able to continue prescribing if a patients review is not completed.

Dose equivalence

Items should be aligned, where possible, such that they expire on the same date. If quantities require amending to bring them into line, this may be attended to by our Clinical Pharmacist.

Over and under prescribing

Reception staff should indicate (to the clinicians) instances where items are being requested ahead of schedule as this may indicate non-compliance or abuse of medication.

Items that have not been requested should not be removed from the record without reference to a doctor.

Change of medication

Changes in prescription medication are the responsibility of the doctors and authorised  practitioner/prescribers. Amendments are only to be made at the direction of a clinician. Particular attention is to be paid to amendments to medication on hospital discharge, as this is an area where errors can occur.