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Complaints procedure

We’re Here to Listen and addressing your concerns

At our practice, we believe in open communication. If you have any concerns, we encourage you to share them with us right away. Often, a quick chat with a member of our team can resolve issues on the spot. If you feel your concern needs more attention, our management team is always ready to listen.

Sometimes, a formal approach might be necessary. In such cases, we welcome complaints submitted in writing or you can use our complaint form. You can pick up a form at reception or download it from our website here.

How to Share Your Concerns

We value feedback from our patients and those who care for them. If you’re a patient, you can raise a concern directly. If you’re representing a patient, such as a carer, we’ll need to have the patient’s consent on record. Without this, we’ll need signed, written permission from the patient. The representative can also be someone who holds a Power of Attorney for Health and Welfare for the patient.

To help us address your concern effectively, please provide as much detail as possible. We appreciate hearing from you within 12 months of the incident or within 12 months of becoming aware of the issue.

Our Commitment to You

When we receive your complaint, we’ll acknowledge receipt of it within 3 working days. We aim to investigate and respond fully within 28 days.

What if I do not wish to complain directly to the practice?

While we always appreciate the opportunity to address concerns directly, we understand that there may be occasions when you might prefer to contact NHS England instead. Here’s how you can reach them:

Unhappy with the Outcome of Your Complaint?

If you’re not satisfied with how your complaint was handled, either by us or NHS England, you can contact The Parliamentary Ombudsman. They’re here to make final decisions on unresolved complaints.

  • The Parliamentary Ombudsman, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP
  • Telephone: 0345 015 4033
  • Textphone: 0207 217 4066
  • Website:

Need Help Making a Complaint?

If you’d like support in raising a concern, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is here to help. Find your local PALS using this link:

Patient and Liaison Service

For PALS at Queens Hospital Burton on Trent:

For PALS at Royal Hospital Derby:

Our full complaints procedure policy is available for your referance here.