Contact us online

If you need help with a non-urgent medical or admin request, you can now contact us online.
Submit a new request

Ask for your test results

If you’ve had a recent test or examination, you can ask for your results:

over the phone

You can get results for things like:

  • blood tests
  • urine tests
  • x-rays
  • ultrasounds

Ask online

You can use our online form to ask for your results.

Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch within 5 working days.

Ask over the phone

Phone the surgery between 10am – 2pm to ask for your results.

See surgery contact details

We can usually only give results over the phone to the patient. The only exceptions are if the patient either:

  • has given permission for someone else to get the results
  • cannot understand the results

This is for privacy reasons.