Patient survey results June ’24
The Tutbury Practice Patient Forum Survey 2024

The purpose of the patient survey was to capture the patients experience regarding their interaction when in contact with the surgery for whatever reason. As with previous surveys the results obtained have been analysed and are shown in this presentation. A meeting with the surgery will now be arranged to go through the report to see if any changes can be made to improve the patients’ experience. The details and conclusions from this meeting will be added to this presentation and the final document put into the public domain for patients to view
The survey questions did not ask for any information that would identify the patient. Therefore, it did not prejudice their current/future relationship with the practice
Thanks are given to all those for their time in completing this survey.
Please see the document below for results of the survey. The document can also be downloaded here.
A sample of patient responses from the survey can be read below.
Comments from 31-50’s
Female responces
Its difficult to get through on the phone but not tried the new system yet
Following on from recent visits to the practice I feel that the standard of care has improved dramatically over the last 6/8 weeks.
Great practice, always able to help. LOVE the new triage system! Bit worried about the inequality this may bring but I am sure you are mitigating this. Keep up the great work.
Used the triage appointment two days ago for routine need for contraceptive. The Dr sent me a RX within 24hours and made me an appointment the next day. Excellent service.
They have been great with me with my asthma and for my kids. Triage system easy to use just cocerned for the elderly.
The new appointment system online has been fantastic and got appointments for my 2 children very quickly.
Male responces
New booking system is significantly better.
Appointment booking system awful. Avoid coming as so bad. Needs improving or will be changing Practice.
Contact was based on existing phone and waiting time. Online is brilliant!
Very happy with the Practice on the whole.
Comments from 51-65’s
Female responces
I am finding the NHS App and Doctors website a lot better now than before. Having an appointment is easier and prescriptions are quicker
I am a woman not a person with a cervix. I know you have to be woke inclusive but I feel that excludes me. Just saying. Also, why does my marital status have to appear on the public screen to summon me into my appointment. And don’t get me started on the idiotic videos on the screen.
New online form process excellent
The new appointment system online has been fantastic and got appointments for my 2 children very quickly.
I used the online service yesterday and found it to be a little unclear have to navigate the app. It asked for a photo to be uploaded but I was too far through the system to log off, take a photo and start again. Time was not on my side. That said the response was fairly speedy and I have an appointment. Thank you. I am sure I will get used to the new system. Older patients will struggle.
Had a text stating the surgery phone lines open at 6.30am from 1st June. Rang at 7.15am and told by answerphone that the surgery was not open until 8am?
I do not want to go online. I like phoning in.
My experience of the new triage system seemed to be good. Had a call back from Dr to arrange an appointment for today. Unfortunately it does seem to have made it through the booking system so waiting to see what happens now. Hopefully just a human error/teething problem with the new process. I think it is much better than previous phone in.
Male responces
I do not like the new online system and prefer a more personal service. A better explanation on how to make GPs appointments would help, especially for more non urgent conditions.
Staff pleasant and always helpful.
Always helpful
Not happy with the waiting room being able to hear every bit of conversation between patient and receptionist. I thought this was confidential? The speaker and screen means everyone has to shout. Is the screen now necessary?
Comments from 66-74’s
Male responces
New system good.
Thank you for all you do for us. New system is great and easy to use.
So difficult now to get an appointment. Why can’t things be as they used to be? Not everyone is online or has a smart phone or even wants one!! Or afford one!!. We do have a landline however!!
Need to see a doctor by appointment over the phone, “Not Computer”
The new system is better than making phone calls at 8am and getting no response or engaged tone.
Surgery is improving. 12 months ago would have scored zero now 4-5
Need a hearing loop at reception, struggle to hear. TV goes to load now and then. Require higher chairs other than Physio ones.
The practice is very poor and has deteriated over the past two years. No doctor continuity and always a problem with
prescriptions. Box is ticked but not sent to the pharmacy. New system not good for elderly people.
I like the new triage system, much better than phoning at 8am/1pm. I don’t like that big painting that has been there for forever. I also don’t like that there are two screens showing different things at the same time.
Female responces
No confidentiality in the waiting room. Not able to talk to receptionist in private. Don’y like name displayed on the screen.
Never get to see a DR. No appointments ever available. This surgery is beyond a joke. You wait at least 30mins to get in line then maybe 30mins only to be told no appointments. You can’t speak to a GP without going through hoops, the receptionists should not be asking people their private details to see the doctor and decide whether they can or can’t
This new system has been implemented without thought or concern for the elderly. Needs rethink
Very pleased with service but sometimes confidentiality at desk not good.
Couple alone, no family, husband with dementia. If wife ill he can only phone doctors for help. Now he can’t as this no longer exists. What can we do?
I am very pleased about the triage process and all the other help and information. Thank you very much.
Keep up the good work. Ask the Government for longer time allowed per patient. Longer at one appointment picks up more issues therefore saving time overall and reduce costs
I am interested in the Forum but due to family commitments and appointments have nt yet followed through. Reception staff are amazing always so welcoming and supportive. Excellent standard, brilliant tea. I feel they do not get the praise they deserve.
Comments from over 75’s
Female responces
Don’t like having to come to the surgery twice in one day to see a doctor. Not fun on buses
Haven’t got internet but usually get assistance same day of trying.
Difficult to arrange GP follow up appointments. Length of time to arrange blood tests. More appointments needed for full time GPs and phlebotomy. Very good nurses.
I find the whole service very poor after listening to people from other GP practices.
Hearing Loop please.
The treatment and care I have received over the past year has been brilliant, also the mental health support.
Bring back the old days. Too many patients not enough doctors. Elederly at the bottom of the list now, especially those
not online or with smart phone.
Male responces
The online services appear to be in constant flux. I used to get my appointment and repeat prescriptions on the Evergreen website. Is this still possible?
The biggest problem is access to appointments either via the phone or online. This new system is a disgrace, older people are not tech savvy and become depressed. How to propose to overcome this?
Prefer not to comment. Very poor doctor’s surgery. They need to get back to pre COVID days.
I am sorry to say that at the moment the Practice is not fit for purpose.
Because I do not use online services I feel I am diascriminated agaist when wanting an appointment.
To get to see a doctor is like climbing Everest. A lot needs improving.
Everything seems back to where it was before COVID. In general I paid my dues for 50 years on the promise of being looked after in old age. As I predicted over the years now that I am there it doesn’t seem to be happening.