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Past Times Event

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In January 2024. The Tutbury Practice and it’s patient Forum invited people who have dementia and similar illnesses to attend an afternoon social group with free tea, coffee, refreshments and chat.

Their families and carers are also invited.

Due to it’s success, further dates have now been arranged. Throughout 2024, we will be hosting these events at the Tutbury Village Hall, Monk Street, Tutbury. These events take place between 2:00pm and 3:30pm on the following dates:

Thursday March 14th

Thursday May 16th

Thursday July 11th

Thursday September 19th

Thursday November 21st.

Why not come alog, meet new people and discuss past times. Other organisationssuch as Police, Fire and Rescue, Mind, Alzheimers Society will be there as well to give advice and support.

This event is in assocciation with The Tutbury Practice The Tutbury Practice Patient Forum