Health & Wellbeing event

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Following the success of the Health and Wellbeing Event which took place in June 2023, the Tutbury Practice and Patient Forum have organised another event for this year. 

This will take place on Thursday 13th of June and will be held in the Tutbury Village Hall, 1.30pm – 4pm. 

The current list of attending organisations include:. 
Tutbury Practice Patient Forum, Tutbury Practice, ESSDUKPN, Dean and Smedley Tutbury, Good Life Pharmacy, Staffordshire Network for Mental Health, Public Health, UHDB Patient Experience, Everyone Health, Everyone Active, YESS Organisation, Support Staffordshire, Assist, Staffordshire Carers, Social Subscribers, Alzheimers, St Giles, Trent and Dove, Burton Mind, MS Society, RNIB, Staffs and Stoke Wellbeing Service/IAPT, YMCA, BAC Addition Centre, Staffordshire Staying Well Service, Staffordshire Fire and Rescue, Prostate Cancer Support Group, Falls and Prevention Service, Citizens Advice, Mental Health and Dementia Research, Healthwatch Staffordshire, Retinopathy Services

There is no charge to attend and refreshments will be available. We are also pleased to announce that Deputy Mayor Cllr Kim Smith will be attending. 

We hope you will be able to attend and if you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us.